A MAN FROM THE EAST SERIES Vol.3 Ačiū! --- Live at Vilnius Jazz Festival 1999 ---/宝示戸亮二 [dkcd03]

A MAN FROM THE EAST SERIES Vol.3 Ačiū! --- Live at Vilnius Jazz Festival 1999 ---/宝示戸亮二 [dkcd03]

販売価格: 2,000(税込)



アチュウ!(リトアニア語で「ありがとう」の意) ――― バルト3国のひとつ、リトアニアの首都、1999年の「ヴィリニュス・ジャズ・フェスティヴァル」。宝示戸亮二はそのラストを飾った。周辺諸国のメディアからも高評を得た充実の演奏を、観衆の熱気もそのままに収録したノー・エディットによるフル・ドキュメント。

1. Introduction 4:26
2. "My Treasure" 8:53
3. Improvisation-1 2:35
4. Improvisation-2 "The Earth" 8:38
5. Improvisation-3 3:49
6. "Arigatou" 4:41
7. Final Improvisation for Vilnius 8:50
8. Encore 3:37

宝示戸亮二: piano, small instruments, voice, etc.






A MAN FROM THE EAST SERIES Vol.3 Ačiū! --- Live at Vilnius Jazz Festival 1999 ---/HOJITO Ryoji

Ačiū! ("Thank you!" in Lithuanian) --- Hojito Ryoji's performace was the closing concert of the 1999 "Vilnius Jazz Festival" held in Vilnius, the capital city of the Baltic state Lithuania. This is the unabridged and unedited document of that fulfilling performance, complete with the air of excitement from audience, highly acclaimed also by the media in neighboring nations.

track list:
1. Introduction 4:26
2. "My Treasure" 8:53
3. Improvisation-1 2:35
4. Improvisation-2 "The Earth" 8:38
5. Improvisation-3 3:49
6. "Arigatou" 4:41
7. Final Improvisation for Vilnius 8:50
8. Encore 3:37

Ryoji Hojito: piano, small instruments, voice, etc.

recorded live at Vilnius Jazz Festival, October 10, 1999

liner notes: Suzuki Masami (Russian literature scholar)

released on July, 2000